A few years ago, LEGO put out their first Jabba the Hutt sets. And while I think they did a nice job on The Corpulent One's design and sculpt, and some of his cronies like Bib Fortuna and the Gamorrean Guards turned out well, something was missing. Not Leia in a skimpy gold bikini--we got that too. What was missing was Salacious Crumb.
The cackling little "lizard monkey" was a part of so many scenes in Jabba's Palace that I couldn't overlook him. To make the tiny little guy, I took a round LEGO brick--a minifigure's head, actually--and added details made of Sculpey to make Salacious Crumb come to life. A beaked head, scrawny arms and tail, and then painted the rest of the details. He won't win any beauty contests, but he might be good at pulling Threepio's eye out of it's socket.

Bib Fortuna, Salacious Crumb, Jabba and Princess Leia
Another place that I wanted Star Wars LEGO to boost their numbers was with their Bounty Hunters. They made Boba Fett fairly early on in the Star Wars run, but where were the rest? I decided to make a few of my own. Bossk, IG-88 and Dengar were all seen briefly in
The Empire Strikes Back, on their way to try and capture Han Solo. Bossk was made with a Sculpey head--the others with painted details. If I were to go back and redo them, I'd do them all a bit differently, but for now, they'll do. The fourth Bounty Hunter I made is Boussh--Princess Leia's disguise when she travels to Jabba's Palace, thaws Han Solo, and gets captured. I added Sculpey to a LEGO helmet, gave her an air tank backpack, and sent her on her way.
Since making these a few years ago, LEGO has produced their own Dengar and IG-88, although neither one really satisfies me. Bossk is coming later this summer as part of a new Slave I set (Boba Fett's spaceship), and the pictures I've seen look nice. One out of four ain't bad.

Boussh, Bossk, IG-88, Dengar