Obsession, compulsion and creativity. Fisher Price Little People, LEGO, Muppets, and a Rubber Duckie...not necessarily in that order.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Addams Family Fisher Price Little People
What made me really love the Addams Family was the movies starring the late Raul Julia and Angelica Huston. Macabre, morbid, but with a biting wit that I enjoyed. So I made a few Fisher Price Little People. And I know Fisher Price will never really make a set, but wow, it'd be a great playset. The mansion, with a cute little graveyard out back, a booming doorbell, some torture devices in the basement...it'd be the sweetest thing ever.
Until the Rocky Horror Picture Show playset came out. THAT would be amazing.
Monday, January 25, 2010
As I recall, at the time I didn't have a digital camera, so these pictures didn't turn out great. But they were good enough to get the collection sold on eBay when X-3 came out and I turned my back on the X-Men universe. Was that a mistake? Probably. But it was for something responsible, like diapers or medicine for a dying relative or more toys for myself. Something like that. Anyway, enjoy this look at X-Men LEGO.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Muppet Octopus
The process was relatively simple, because I was just making an octopus statue out of Sculpey polymer clay. You basically roll eight clay snakes, smush them together, paint it, and you get this:
Muppet Octopus: rear view
Muppet Octopus with Kermit the Frog, Gonzo, and Rizzo the Rat for scale.
I like how he turned out, but because he's made of baked clay and he's very tentacley, I'm sure he's going to smash into a million pieces one of these days. I haven't made very many of these "from scratch," and that's the biggest reason why. That and I need some sculpting lessons.
Anyway. Muppet Octopus. Who knew?
Saturday, January 16, 2010
E.T. Fisher Price Little People
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Superman Family LEGO
I made Superman and about seven other Justice Leaguers all at the same time, and thought I'd be content with a little set of SuperFriends. But for some reason I'm missing the part of the emotion chip in my brain that says "it's okay to stop now," and I decided to keep going.
For the record, I am more of a Batman fan than a Superman fan, but once I made the Man of Steel himself, I realized that sometimes he needed a little help from his own Superman Family. It includes his cousin Supergirl, his clone (sort of--that's up in the air right now) Superboy, his friend (please-don't-ever-watch-the-movie-with-Shaq) Steel, and Steel's niece and part-time superhero Natasha Irons. Oh yeah, and Superman's best friend, Krypto the Superdog. You've gotta have the Superdog.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Muppet Mermaid Miss Piggy
I think I made this version of Miss Piggy as a Mermaid before I saw that episode, so I just went with what worked for her. It turns out "what worked" was severing one leg, entombing the other one in a tail and fins made of Sculpey, and then layering iridescent wrapping paper over her tail for scales. Her gloves (gotta wear the gloves)(are there hooves under there?)(are these prostheses?) and tank toppy thing have swirls of blue and silver on them. For a swimming swing, she came out okay.

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Gilligan's Island Fisher Price Little People
Gilligan, The Skipper (Jonas Grumby) too.
The Millionaire (Thurston Howell III) and his Wife (Lovey Howell).
The Movie Star (Ginger Grant)
The Professor (Roy Hinkley) and Mary Ann (Summers)
Here on Gilligan's Isle!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Green Lantern LEGO
Because the Green Lantern Corps isn't a single superhero, but a galactic police force, there have been a lot of Green Lanterns in the comic books and even on various television series. If you ask me who "Green Lantern" is, I'd say Hal Jordan. He was the one on Superfriends, and for several decades was really The Green Lantern. Asking my students at school, they'd say it's John Stewart, the African American GL who wore the ring on the recent Justice League cartoon. Someone a little older might say it's Kyle Rayner, who was GL for most of the 1990s, and if you asked someone who was an arrogant jerk (besides me, I mean) they'd say Guy Gardner. He's a jerk. And yet, he's still a Green Lantern.
When I took my break from making custom-made Fisher Price Little People, I still managed to move on to a new (and yet old) obsession, and that's making new LEGO Minifigures. Most of them come from DC Comics, and the Green Lantern Corps is no exception. Over recent years, many of these characters have undergone radical changes, so this is sort of a "best of" Green Lantern Corps.
This is my first version, before I added the ladies of the GLC; to Earth's GLs I added Kilowog (far left) a trainer in the Green Lantern Corps and one of my favorite comic book characters, period. Next to him is Tomar Re, one of the first alien Green Lanterns that Hal Jordan worked with. Front and center is Ganthet, a "Guardian" who bosses the Green Lanterns around.
This is my current Green Lantern Corps. With all of the changes in the comic books happening right now, I'll have to add to their ranks. I decided that the ladies of DC Comics needed to be better represented, so I added Arisia, an elf-like GL who's also cute as the day is long; Katma Tui, pink-skinned former lover of John Stewart and completely awesome in her own right; and Jade, daughter of the Golden Age Green Lantern, and very short-lived Green Lantern herself.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Scooby-Doo Fisher Price Little People
I like the classic Scooby-Doo with the Mystery Machine and the Scooby Snax and even the random guest appearance by Sandy Duncan or Don Knotts or Mama Cass. Because who knows when you'll run into Mama Cass, right? Well, not now. But in the seventies, sure. And if she's running a haunted candy factory, all the better.
This set of Little People is just the five main characters as seen in the original Scooby-Doo series. Later on I'll show you some classic Scooby Villains I've made. Scrappy won't be among them.
December Poll Results!

The winner is The Office! So you can expect to see those peeps as Little Peeps in about a month or so, depending on how quickly I scrounge up some new Fisher Price Little People. I haven't made any new Little People in about seven years, so I'm a little out of practice. But they'll be coming soon. -ish.
Here are the numbers for the last poll:
The Office 29%
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 28% (1 vote!)
The Beatles 23%
Battlestar Galactica 8%
Twilight 8%
Like I said, I do like all of those options, so I can see them being shuffled back into future polls. The poll for January has five options too, and chances are you'll like at least one of them. So be sure to vote, and tell friends to vote too. I don't know why you would, but it's all for a good cause. Mindless entertainment.